Friday, January 30, 2009

long overdue....

So i've been working on this winter project for a little while now. some friends had this frame sitting outside collecting rust for a while and said i could take it and give it life again.... and so i am.
this is what it started out as:

i stripped all the paint off of it with a wirebrush wheel.

then cut the seat post down so it was flat with the back rack.

found an old fence post in my friends garage that happened to be the same width as the rest of the frame. stripped all the galvanized coating off of it, and welded it on for a crossbar.

close up of the welds:

smoothed everything out with a little grinding and lots of hand filing.

used an old skateboard for the base of the seat. (it totally says "skate or die" written by a 11 year old)

cut the sides down and sanded everything so it was closer to the same size as my tank.

bought some foam from hobby lobby.

as soon as i can get the rest of the pictures, i will post up the rest of the updates. (i dont have a camera)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I bought my tickets to L.A.!
Latebirds rally at the end of March! Not too stoked on flying, but at least I will have another Bandit with me. Apparently we already have loaners...which is a relief. my maxi is mad at me and the project bike probably won't be up and going by then. But who knows... I did hacksaw a skateboard for the seat I'm making today.